The Volkswagen emissions scandal…what should we think?

The recent scandal surrounding the emissions from some Volkswagen vehicles is still generating headlines in the media, and no doubt will continue to do so, as it would seem that Europe as well as the U.S. may also be living under the cloud of corporate double dealing and nefarious cheat the test schemes. However, as sure as night follows day, the media wolf pack will move on, eager to feed our apparent and alleged insatiable need for some new shocking and/or tragic scenario. However, when the dust (and nitrogen oxide) has settled, do we simply write this off as ‘things that organisations do’, or accept that ‘they’re probably all up to something’?

Or instead do we conclude that things must and will change? It is perhaps long overdue that collectively we should see this much more as the exception than the norm, that the individuals behind this particular ‘scam’ have not only potentially threatened the health of thousands of people, but have also threatened the livlihood of thousands of individuals, and so they are not just a bunch of ‘naughty boys/gals’ (or in this case noxy boys/gals) but are morally reprehensible. If so, then we should expect much more from so many more individuals/leaders in so many more organisations/institutions. Honesty is the new sexy.

I have copied below a link to a video that I produced about this subject.