The problem of the egotistical leader

Here is a short video about one of those tricky and thorny little leadership issues…the egotistical leader.

There’s a relatively thin line between being self assured and being self obsessed, and whilst many companies pride themselves in people development, and their selection processes; I don’t know about you, but I quite often see a questionable individual being put in a position of authority where they can do real harm. And sadly, they often do.

There is no one answer to this issue of course, and often the causes are likely to be multifactorial, but having witnessed some of the ensuing psychological damage first hand, I believe that we have to begin with an prerequisite for leadership that Marcus Aurelius probably didn’t write down, but may well have agreed with;

(this is definitely not the best Latin, (and I think he may have written in Greek anyway) but hopefully you’ll get the idea)

stulti non licet


no leader should be a prat.

Best wishes