It’s Halloween, know your bad apples!


It’s Halloween! 

One of the good things about Halloween is that the monsters are pretty easy to spot! 

However, back in non-Halloween land, what about the energy vampires who subtly drain your energy and who often remain just on the edge of your peripheral vision?

They come in various shapes and sizes, but it’s still imperative that we learn to spot them.

Here’s a quick guide to potentially help you spot one particular type of person that you probably should be wary of. 

This person acts as if they feel that they are superior to you. They also appear to expect that all things should revolve around them. They seem to continually need to be the centre of attention, and often at inappropriate times. They have a strong propensity to attempt to exert control over you and others. They blame others when things go wrong, even when it is patently obvious that they were directly responsible. They are not good team players, in fact they aren’t really in the ‘team’ at all. And perhaps unsurprisingly, they have a distinct lack of true empathy towards others.

Have you guessed yet what this particular type of vampire is called? Yes, it’s your friendly neighbourhood narcissistic. It’s possible that left to their own devices, the narcissist will do no harm, but embedded in a team, or heaven forfend, placed in a leadership position, they most certainly can do harm; sometimes wreaking the type of havoc and psychological damage that is best left to the confines of a scary movie!

It is imperative that the character of those seeking positions of influence are truly aligned to the often highly moral rhetoric espoused by them whilst seeking said positions. Otherwise, we may end up with a bad apple, and that’s really not a barrel of laughs! 

Happy Trick or Treating!
