A moral famine?


What should we make of the Oxfam scandal and allegations?
Firstly I suppose that it’s important to separate out what facts are actually real facts, from what may be purely speculation.

However even within the firestorm of accusations which are currently engulfing the charity, it would seem that things did go badly wrong, and some individuals did indeed act in a way which, quite frankly beggars belief.

I think it’s important to say that I’m pretty certain that most of the people who work for this charity are the type of people who are empathic, tireless, and above reproach.

Once again we can see how the actions of a few bad apples can have such a wide ranging and debilitating impact.

Having said that, there does appear to have been some systemic and moral failings within at least part of the leadership of this organisation.

They appear to have turned a potential ‘moment of truth’, into a ‘moment of deceit’.

All may not be lost however, and whilst the damage already done cannot be undone, perhaps some good can yet come out of this unedifying spectacle.

I discuss what may be a constructive way forward in the following video.

Best wishes