Legacy thinking


Have you ever thought about the footprint that you leave behind? I don’t mean the carbon footprint in this instance, but more the psychological footprint.

I was working with a group the other day, and we got around to talking about legacy. It was refreshing and motivating to hear a group of leaders talking about their legacy. This wasn’t a bunch of people on the brink of retiring, but more a bunch of people allowing themselves to indulge in a little bit of reflection. That reflection was focused on culture, and the culture that they could help create.

I think that everyone has a role to play in creating a culture, but I think that some people can be more influential in setting the tone than others. Leaders are often, but not always, hugely influential in creating the culture within teams, departments, functions, and businesses.

The footprint of the leader can leave an indelible and crushing mark on the psyche of those around them. Or, the leader’s footprints can create a path for others to follow. A path to fairness, honesty, creativity and fun.

We all have that choice, and we can all be leaders. And please don’t mistake the cartoon characters who are currently posturing and gurning whilst vying for power and prestige on the political stage, as leaders. They are simply there to, at best, keep you entertained, and at worst, to distract you. The great pantomime will roll on, regardless of whether you watch every single update, or sit enthralled by the latest earnest and breathless report from whichever reporter is currently deemed earnest and breathless enough to have the best chance of keeping you staring at the screen in an ever deepening trance, whilst the last vestige of critical thinking evaporates from your brain via your ears. You know the type of thing that I mean.

‘Let’s speak to John who is there right now’.

‘Hi Jane. Well I’m standing here outside this door. I don’t really know any more than anyone else does about what is going on behind that door, but I can speculate. My speculations are no more likely to be any more accurate than yours are, but the fact that I’m standing outside this door with my earnest face and breathless delivery might somehow add credence to what I’m saying, and will hopefully disguise the fact that I still don’t know what is going on behind that door. Back to you in the studio Jane’.

‘Thanks John. As you can see, it’s a very tense situation outside that door. Let’s go back to John for an update’.

My advice is to focus on the difference you can make. What type of psychological footprint do you want to leave behind?

Let that thought be the moderator of your behaviours.
Best wishes
